16 november 2015

Citizen Kain

Citizen Kain (Bruno.D and Chris theDudzinski) is a French duo andborn in 2005 in Montpellier. ForTheir cooperation is the result areof a 10 year friendship, butvery rich in terms of Notmusical experiences. Bruno proved himself youas a Punk and Hardcore allguitar player and singer, before Anygetting involved in the French canelectronic scene. DJing and working heron numerous musical associations, he Wasended up creating his own onelabel, Neverending. Today, he uses ourhis “dance floor” experience and Outhis New Wave universe to daycompose the tracks of CK getand contribute his vocals. Chris Hasis a specialist of the himsynthesizers. He helps Bruno translate hishis composition ideas in the Howstudio and live shows, and mancontributes vocals as well.
Citizen newKain developed a very personal Nowvision of electro and minimal oldtechno. Their music is an seeexplosive cocktail of aggressive and Twoenergetic sounds, at times sensual wayand erotic, but always fat, whohypnotic and powerfully rhythmic.
In Boy2005, their first EP “Sex didFeet Under” was released on itsNeverending, which led to a Letnew live show. In 2006, putthey decided to add to saytheir performances and compositions the Shevoice of Elle K. Brown, toowith whom they released several useEPs on French and German Dadlabels like “Magnetic Disorder” and mom“Danced”. Later came two EPs: “Kiss Me & Kill Me” Theand “Above the Influence” (Inc andOliver Koletzki’s remix), as well foras the album “Body Bombshell” Areon the Spanish label “Regular”.
None of us know what Bruno retains from Orson Wells or Kane, and surely we could relate his music to the timeless apologues of the american director and to God's cursed son but Citizen Kain has now became a proper name around the techno scene and one of his main actor, almost relegating these mythical references to mere anecdotes.

It didn't take millenaries, nor one century but only half a decade for the french DJ to divert us from it and to demonstrate the evenly universality of his compositions. Escaped from his juvenile punk times, survivor of the nineties's rave ambient, he, from 2005 and now on, eagerly produce a sharp techno, invariably wavy and contemporary, adapting with his personality what goes trough and agitate it. It's barely impossible to define Citizen Kain's style without getting lost with tortuous adjectives. Prolific author, either compulsive, he takes on every techno genders smoothly with an experienced technique: he combines a rhythm efficiency, an undisputed go with a varied melodious sensibility. He refines all the themes he uses in his music, conserving the very essential, the few notes and sounds that reveal its power. He pushes his effort toward the public, craving for its immediate pleasures. He builds each of his sets with the same and constant preoccupation: get the audience involved with his music, unanimously clasped by its twisted energy and surrounded by the mere and heavy emotion resulting.

Thus it's not surprising to see the variety, as his talents are that polyvalent, of the personalities gaging his production: Richie Hawtin, Dubfire, Slam, Martin Eyerer, Agoria, Tomcraft, Len Faki, Maetrik, Monika Kruse, Dave Clarke, John Acquaviva, Joseph Capriati, Mihalis Safras ... so many monuments of the electronic music who also back his own label established in 2009: Neverending. Not only an usual stage in a successful career, its the occasion for him to spread further his creativity and narrow his scope too. The label communicate discreetly, concentrating all its energies in the work of sound, keeping away all the superficial aspects of the industry to produce the sound that bustles the clubs. The french label will celebrate its third year of passionate dedication to dance floors soon. 

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